I think 'Brave' is interesting and excited.However it also include nowdays our social problems.I think DUTY and TRADITION should change by situation is the most important problems of social.and how important family is.
First,in the movie Merida is a princess.Elinor who is her mom always said princess have to know about the history,kingdom,get up early...That is a princess's duty.this is correct.But,Merida wants to ride a horse,bow,too.Most of people think that we should keep only duty and that's all.While doing duty,also we can do what we want.Duty can change what situation am I.
Second,We don't have to follow all our traditions.We have to keep our traditions.But some of these are bad.Like if female born throw away and don't care about.We must not follow and change or develop them.If it is country and in peace.
Third,still there are stereotype between man and woman.Compare with past nowday is better.But people think men should tall,handsome,strong,play sports well and not lose.And woman should careful of their conduct,not be forward and working in the house.That's why we also can heard you don't like girl or boy,and we surprise when there is man nurse.
Fourth, Also the movie shows family.I think family is very interesting and surprised.Just,blood continue...we worried about their health and love them much.Although Merida's family fought they cooperate and gather again.Through this their family can more stronger and take care of people well.
Also, Merida's family got in trouble because of speak.People usually speak without thinking.Later they feel sorry to them but can't easily apologzize.Espeacially,when we are angry.So we have to think how is feeling before speak.
This movie shows these society problems.Every knows,but they just didn't suggest and complain.Start break the stereotype ,tradition,duty,families.If these are develop world gonna be in peace and there are less problems(complain).WE CAN DO IT!
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